Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Trinitarian Worldview - Part I: Imago Dei

I would like to begin what I believe will be a series of posts on a trinitarian worldview with the concept of the Imago Dei, the Image of God. Simply put, Imago Dei asserts than we are made in the image of God.

26Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 1:26-27 (NASB)

I believe it is important to start with this fact because if we are created in His image, we should share some of His attributes, even if we are imperfect in our sinful nature. Our worldview should be shaped by who we are in relationship to God.

Who are we? In the broadest of senses we are:

  • Capable of thought, reasoning, voluntary activity. We are emotional, we can love, hate, grow angry, happy or sad. We are relational, we seek out others in community, we seek out our Creator in praise and worship.
  • Capable of creative activity. We look to learn, to build, to make new things out of old things. We fall short of being able to create out of nothing, but we are driven to create nonetheless.
  • Capable of dominion. We seek to control our environment, others and often at our peril, our God.
  • Capable of thought beyond this life, Unlike animals who are in the moment at all times, we can look beyond today and even tomorrow. We can plan and anticipate, and even ponder eternity.
These are attributes that mirror, although dimly, our divine Creator. In them we can have an anchor, a bedrock to which to build our faith and trust in the face of a very uncertain and ever changing world of shifting values and priorities. In the face of all that we have an immutable standard to which to candle our thoughts and actions.

But it is the very things He bestowed on us to make up be in His image that can be the root of our destruction. In our sin, we often think and act against God, taking the gifts He has given us and try to come out from under His sovereign will. So what should we be looking to model in our behavior?
  • Life living. Do not look to become dead to your humanity but embrace it. Life is meant to have joy, it just isn't meant to have sinful joy. Look for the pleasures of creation in the way the Creator intended.
  • Self giving. Give of yourself to others: through the church, through the community, through mission. Too many times we take the opportunity to take. Give and be refilled by the Spirit, blessed by the Lord.
  • Communal. Seek out community, do not be a loner. Sure your time alone with God, your table for two. Jesus prayed alone often, but then he returned to people refreshed.
  • Equality. As we are all created in His image, none are better than another.
  • In depth. Look for lasting and deep friendship and fellowship. Sink in to peoples lives, sink into prayer with God. Do not skim along the surface.

Are there other aspects/characteristics/attributes you see in us under the Imago Dei?

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