Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Thoughts on How Do We Approach the Throne

A couple of quotes from my readings that stimulated some thoughts on my part (That's a good thing, I guess):

"Our faith in Christ and our living fellowship with Him would be the same even if we had no knowledge of any such transcendent fact [as the Trinity] and even if that fact itself were different."
F. D. E. Schleiermacher in The Christian Faith

"The Trinity is a matter of five notions or properties, four relations, three persons, two processions, one substance or nature, and no understanding"
Bernard Lonergan

I find these somewhat witty and sarcastic (two prideful attributes I often seek to emulate usually to my own disaster), but thought provoking in what they say about the average Christian.

Are we coming before the Throne without an accurate picture of who our God is? Is it even possible to have that accurate picture given the complexities of the essence of the divine Triune God?

What is it that resides in our mind's eye as we picture our God, who he is and what we seek form Him?

Goes God listen any less when we really do not understand Him? Or does He just love us all the more for our attempt?

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