Tuesday, April 14, 2009

God of the Omnis

There are many attributes you can use to describe God. I want to focus on a few of them to help us focus on the Trinity:

Omnipotent - God is all powerful, sovereign.

Omniscience - God is all knowing all the time.

Omnipresent - God is everywhere at once.

God of the Omnis. He covers everything, everywhere, always.

These attributes in themselves can be looked at as a trio of sorts. As you study these more, deeply reflect on them, you find it harder and harder to separate them from each other. They are distinct attributes that can be discussed individually, but they really begin to make sense when they are looked at together. They sort of become a circle of logic and reasoning: God cannot be all powerful if He is not all knowing; God cannot be everywhere if He is not all powerful; God cannot be all knowing all the time unless he is everywhere at once.

This is not an analogy of the Trinity, but a way to look at God's attributes that mirrors how you can look at the members of the Trinity. Individual persons, but they would not be entirely who they are if not of the one essence. I do not know about you, but it helps me a little better to understand the nature of the intra-Trinitarian relationship to think of it terms like this when think of His attributes.

There is enough evidence in the Bible to support the Trinity, as I discussed yesterday it may just be too much for us to process effectively.

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